The Army's revised fitness program builds combat-ready bodies--and road-ready ones, too.
Quality Over Quantity
The goal of the revamped program was to maximize fitness while minimizing injury. Most soldiers in basic training work out four to six days a week for an hour. Van Camp and Palkoska fine-tuned their speed session (six 30- to 60-second sprints with double recovery time) and standardized endurance runs to twice a week for 30 minutes. The new program also includes three days of strength training--focusing on upper-body and core moves--and a series of postworkout stretches. Mobility exercises (plyometrics) are done every day because they're a crucial skill for soldiers dodging bullets, but the workouts are also useful for runners, who may need to jump over curbs or side-step pooped-out competitors. "If all you ever do is run in a straight line, your ankles won't have the explosive power to cut or turn," says Van Camp. The soldiers' exercises and drills can be done with little equipment, which makes them perfect for runners without a lot of time to get to the gym.
While there was some resistance to the changes, the numbers won out. Independent studies showed a 12 to 25 percent decrease in injuries and significant increase in performance. "We saw improvement of fitness based on two-mile tests and fewer injuries," says Van Camp. But for him and Palkoska, it's not just a matter of making a few cadets score better on tests. It's about making sure their soldiers are as strong and as fit as they can be. That's some basic training we all can use.
DYNAMIC WARMUP Soldiers use these exercises to prepare for their workouts. You can do the same or incorporate them into a core or strength workout.
The Rower: Lie flat on your back with your arms above you. Perform a sit up by bending at your hips and knees and bringing your arms forward. Use your abdominal strength, not momentum, to pull yourself up. Do 10 repetitions.
The Prone Row: Lie face down with arms straight out. Raise your head and chest, then pull your arms back like a row. "This exercise compensates for all the time we spend sitting and bending over," says Van Camp. Do 10 repetitions.
The Squat Bender: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Return to the starting position, then bend forward and reach toward the ground. Return to the start. Do 10 repetitions.
PLYOMETRICS These drills give you power for the final kick. Add them to speed sessions.
Power Skips: Skip on the balls of your feet, keeping knees high and arms in an exaggerated running motion. Skip for 25 yards, rest, repeat. "When you explode up on each movement, you're working the three joints that give you explosiveness for sprinting," Van Camp says.
Laterals: Get in a slightly crouched position with your back straight and your arms out in front of you. Step quickly side to side, bringing the trailing leg next to the leading leg. Stay in the crouch and move 25 yards to one side, then return with the opposite leg leading.
STRENGTH Do these as a circuit--one immediately after the other. Start with one set, build to three.
Push-ups: Hands and toes on the ground with back straight (knees can be on the floor). Do 10 to 12 repetitions.
Sit-ups: Lie with your knees bent and your hands behind your head. Use your abdominals to bring your head to your knees. Do 10 to 12 repetitions.
Pull-ups: Using an overhand grip, lift up until your chin is above the bar (or start in the up position, and take five seconds to lower yourself).
Variation: Hang from a pull-up bar with one overhand and one underhand grip. Turn your body sideways. Bend your elbows to pull your body up and bring your knees to your chest (right). Do five to eight repetitions.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Can Hill Running Make You Faster?
Some runners avoid hills because they can cause injuries and they're, well, hard. Time to reconsider.
By Amby Burfoot, RUNNER'S WORLD
A few years ago, the Runner's World editorial offices were briefly moved to the other side of town. The new location was nestled at the foot of what we call "South Mountain," so I soon found my noontime runs steering up and over the mountain several times a week. A month later, I noticed that I was feeling stronger, quicker, and more light-footed on all my runs. Yes, the hills are alive with training benefits.
I am not the first to discover this. East Africans have been traipsing up and down the steep slopes of the Great Rift Valley for millennia, and in the last half-century have rewritten the distance-running record books. Today, they run the hills harder than ever. I experienced this first-hand on a 1998 trip to Kenya. One morning, I joined a handful of marathoners who were being coached by Dr. Gabriele Rosa as they tackled the infamous Fluorspar Hill (40 miles east of Eldoret) that rises nearly 4,000 feet in 13 miles.
Truth in editorial: I managed to hang on for only 10 minutes before bailing out. I hopped into Rosa's Jeep to watch the rest of the impressive workout, which ended 82 minutes after it started. Rosa likes his marathon runners to do strenuous hill running every 10 days during their marathon buildup. "Marathon running uses a lot of quadriceps muscle fibers, and this is the best way to build the quadriceps," Rosa told me recently. "In Italy, we use the gym also. But the Kenyans do not have any gyms, so we run hills."
Medical research isn't exactly brimming with hill-training studies, but I located several with impressive results. A 1977 article in the European Journal of Applied Physiology concluded that runners who followed an intense six-week program of hard uphill running enjoyed "significant improvements in training distances, anaerobic capacity, and strength." A chapter in the International Olympic Committee's 1992 book Endurance and Sport reported a study of runners who did 12 weeks of regular training, plus "hill training with 'bounce running.'" After the 12 weeks, the subjects' running economy (or how efficiently they ran) increased by an average of three percent. That's a nice increase in a running variable that's not easy to improve. Of course, not everyone appreciates hills. Running up hills is not recommended for beginners because it puts too much stress on muscles and connective tissues that may not be ready to handle the load. It may also put extra stress on the knees and Achilles tendons.
Hill training made its first big impact in the early 1960s when runners from tiny New Zealand, including Peter Snell (three-time Olympic gold medalist), suddenly began winning a disproportionate number of big races. Their successes were based on the training philosophy of Arthur Lydiard, a marathoner-turned-coach. Lydiard broke from the generation of coaches before him who believed mostly in interval training. Who could blame them? They had just lived through the 1950s when runners like Roger Bannister and Emil Zatopek used mind-bending interval workouts to help them shatter the world records of that era.
But Lydiard believed even middle-distance runners should begin their seasons with marathon-like training, and then move into what he called "hill circuits." Lydiard first described his program in the 1978 book Running the Lydiard Way, coauthored by Garth Gilmour. In its ideal form, Lydiard's hill training takes place on a two-mile layout that includes a steepish uphill of 300 to 400 meters, a not-so-steep downhill of about 800 meters, and relatively flat stretches of 800 to 1,000 meters at the top and bottom. You begin by running the uphill stretch, in Lydiard's words, "springing up on your toes, not running but bouncing. This gives you muscular development and flexibility."
At the top of the hill, jog 800 to 1,000 meters to recover, then plunge into the downhill run. The idea now is to "run fast, with relaxed, slightly longer strides." On Lydiard's personally designed loop in Auckland, where the downhill was approximately 800 meters, it is said that Peter Snell once ran a 1:48 and regularly hit 1:50.
At the bottom of the hill, do several sprint repetitions, varying between 50 meters and 400 meters. Says Lydiard: "These sprint repetitions begin the development of your capacity to exercise anaerobically." After six weeks of hill circuits, you're ready for four weeks of track work to reach a competitive peak.
Every guru needs a disciple, and Nobuya Hashizume has ably filled that role for Lydiard. Growing up in Japan, Hashizume was inspired by Frank Shorter's victories in the Fukuoka Marathon, and began reading every running book he could find. Running The Lydiard Way was "the first book I read in English," he says. He was drawn to it because he liked how Lydiard "used science as the basis of his training programs."
Hashizume traveled to Auckland to run the infamous 22-mile Waitakere Mountains course that once reduced Snell to tears. He also tackled the original hill circuit. "It was steeper than I expected," says Hashizume, who now lives in the Twin Cities and maintains a Web site that promotes Lydiard's training methods (
While New Zealand runners no longer rule the track, they have continued to excel on hills. A native of Wellington, Derek Froude followed Lydiard's principles with zeal. He ran a 2:11 marathon, and in 1990 became the first person to break 60 minutes in the Mount Washington road race. Froude clocked 59:17 for the 7.6-mile course with "only one hill," as participants like to say.
That record lasted until 1996, when it fell--no big surprise--to a Kenyan. When Daniel Kihara ran 58:21, onlookers termed his effort "awe inspiring." Of course, they had not yet seen nor heard of Jonathan Wyatt.
Last June, Wyatt stormed up the Mount Washington road in 56:41, nearly two minutes faster than Kihara's old record. That's roughly the equivalent of someone taking four minutes off the marathon world record. Wyatt, also originally from Wellington, has won four World Mountain Running Championships in recent years, and deserves to be called the greatest hill runner of all time. When you bear a mantle like that, you get asked only one question: What's your secret? "I think it's just that I love the mountainous trails and have been running hills since I was 13," says Wyatt, 32. "I seem to get stronger every year."
Oh, c'mon Jonathan, that's so lame. I ask him to plumb deeper into the subject, even though Wyatt is one of those plainspeaking Kiwis who would rather run up a mountain than rhapsodize about it. "Relaxation is one of the keys," he says after a long pause. "You don't ever want to go anaerobic. You need to push hard, but not go over the edge. I chop down my stride to become as efficient as I can, and I try to conserve arm energy. I don't think you need to pump your arms to run well on the hills."
Wyatt finished 21st in the Athens Olympic Marathon, a great performance, but not quite equal to the efforts of Americans Deena Kastor and Meb Keflezighi, both honed to an Olympic peak by the hill-training methods of Coach Joe Vigil. "Deena and Meb are always on the hills when they're training in Mammoth Lakes [California], but we even use undulating hills when they train in San Diego," says Vigil. "A quarter mile up, and a quarter mile down."
Vigil has a Ph.D. in exercise physiology, so he views hill training through a technical lens. "We use oscillatory terrain to increase the athlete's adaptation to stress, and to teach a more efficient use of glycogen," he says. "It also gives them a nice reactive power that improves their running economy."
This marks the first-ever use of the word "oscillatory" in a running-training context, but Vigil is a scholar, so he has earned the right. Here's the second use: To improve your strength, endurance and speed, be sure to do hill training on an oscillatory basis. Your running will come alive.
By Amby Burfoot, RUNNER'S WORLD
A few years ago, the Runner's World editorial offices were briefly moved to the other side of town. The new location was nestled at the foot of what we call "South Mountain," so I soon found my noontime runs steering up and over the mountain several times a week. A month later, I noticed that I was feeling stronger, quicker, and more light-footed on all my runs. Yes, the hills are alive with training benefits.
I am not the first to discover this. East Africans have been traipsing up and down the steep slopes of the Great Rift Valley for millennia, and in the last half-century have rewritten the distance-running record books. Today, they run the hills harder than ever. I experienced this first-hand on a 1998 trip to Kenya. One morning, I joined a handful of marathoners who were being coached by Dr. Gabriele Rosa as they tackled the infamous Fluorspar Hill (40 miles east of Eldoret) that rises nearly 4,000 feet in 13 miles.
Truth in editorial: I managed to hang on for only 10 minutes before bailing out. I hopped into Rosa's Jeep to watch the rest of the impressive workout, which ended 82 minutes after it started. Rosa likes his marathon runners to do strenuous hill running every 10 days during their marathon buildup. "Marathon running uses a lot of quadriceps muscle fibers, and this is the best way to build the quadriceps," Rosa told me recently. "In Italy, we use the gym also. But the Kenyans do not have any gyms, so we run hills."
Medical research isn't exactly brimming with hill-training studies, but I located several with impressive results. A 1977 article in the European Journal of Applied Physiology concluded that runners who followed an intense six-week program of hard uphill running enjoyed "significant improvements in training distances, anaerobic capacity, and strength." A chapter in the International Olympic Committee's 1992 book Endurance and Sport reported a study of runners who did 12 weeks of regular training, plus "hill training with 'bounce running.'" After the 12 weeks, the subjects' running economy (or how efficiently they ran) increased by an average of three percent. That's a nice increase in a running variable that's not easy to improve. Of course, not everyone appreciates hills. Running up hills is not recommended for beginners because it puts too much stress on muscles and connective tissues that may not be ready to handle the load. It may also put extra stress on the knees and Achilles tendons.
Hill training made its first big impact in the early 1960s when runners from tiny New Zealand, including Peter Snell (three-time Olympic gold medalist), suddenly began winning a disproportionate number of big races. Their successes were based on the training philosophy of Arthur Lydiard, a marathoner-turned-coach. Lydiard broke from the generation of coaches before him who believed mostly in interval training. Who could blame them? They had just lived through the 1950s when runners like Roger Bannister and Emil Zatopek used mind-bending interval workouts to help them shatter the world records of that era.
But Lydiard believed even middle-distance runners should begin their seasons with marathon-like training, and then move into what he called "hill circuits." Lydiard first described his program in the 1978 book Running the Lydiard Way, coauthored by Garth Gilmour. In its ideal form, Lydiard's hill training takes place on a two-mile layout that includes a steepish uphill of 300 to 400 meters, a not-so-steep downhill of about 800 meters, and relatively flat stretches of 800 to 1,000 meters at the top and bottom. You begin by running the uphill stretch, in Lydiard's words, "springing up on your toes, not running but bouncing. This gives you muscular development and flexibility."
At the top of the hill, jog 800 to 1,000 meters to recover, then plunge into the downhill run. The idea now is to "run fast, with relaxed, slightly longer strides." On Lydiard's personally designed loop in Auckland, where the downhill was approximately 800 meters, it is said that Peter Snell once ran a 1:48 and regularly hit 1:50.
At the bottom of the hill, do several sprint repetitions, varying between 50 meters and 400 meters. Says Lydiard: "These sprint repetitions begin the development of your capacity to exercise anaerobically." After six weeks of hill circuits, you're ready for four weeks of track work to reach a competitive peak.
Every guru needs a disciple, and Nobuya Hashizume has ably filled that role for Lydiard. Growing up in Japan, Hashizume was inspired by Frank Shorter's victories in the Fukuoka Marathon, and began reading every running book he could find. Running The Lydiard Way was "the first book I read in English," he says. He was drawn to it because he liked how Lydiard "used science as the basis of his training programs."
Hashizume traveled to Auckland to run the infamous 22-mile Waitakere Mountains course that once reduced Snell to tears. He also tackled the original hill circuit. "It was steeper than I expected," says Hashizume, who now lives in the Twin Cities and maintains a Web site that promotes Lydiard's training methods (
While New Zealand runners no longer rule the track, they have continued to excel on hills. A native of Wellington, Derek Froude followed Lydiard's principles with zeal. He ran a 2:11 marathon, and in 1990 became the first person to break 60 minutes in the Mount Washington road race. Froude clocked 59:17 for the 7.6-mile course with "only one hill," as participants like to say.
That record lasted until 1996, when it fell--no big surprise--to a Kenyan. When Daniel Kihara ran 58:21, onlookers termed his effort "awe inspiring." Of course, they had not yet seen nor heard of Jonathan Wyatt.
Last June, Wyatt stormed up the Mount Washington road in 56:41, nearly two minutes faster than Kihara's old record. That's roughly the equivalent of someone taking four minutes off the marathon world record. Wyatt, also originally from Wellington, has won four World Mountain Running Championships in recent years, and deserves to be called the greatest hill runner of all time. When you bear a mantle like that, you get asked only one question: What's your secret? "I think it's just that I love the mountainous trails and have been running hills since I was 13," says Wyatt, 32. "I seem to get stronger every year."
Oh, c'mon Jonathan, that's so lame. I ask him to plumb deeper into the subject, even though Wyatt is one of those plainspeaking Kiwis who would rather run up a mountain than rhapsodize about it. "Relaxation is one of the keys," he says after a long pause. "You don't ever want to go anaerobic. You need to push hard, but not go over the edge. I chop down my stride to become as efficient as I can, and I try to conserve arm energy. I don't think you need to pump your arms to run well on the hills."
Wyatt finished 21st in the Athens Olympic Marathon, a great performance, but not quite equal to the efforts of Americans Deena Kastor and Meb Keflezighi, both honed to an Olympic peak by the hill-training methods of Coach Joe Vigil. "Deena and Meb are always on the hills when they're training in Mammoth Lakes [California], but we even use undulating hills when they train in San Diego," says Vigil. "A quarter mile up, and a quarter mile down."
Vigil has a Ph.D. in exercise physiology, so he views hill training through a technical lens. "We use oscillatory terrain to increase the athlete's adaptation to stress, and to teach a more efficient use of glycogen," he says. "It also gives them a nice reactive power that improves their running economy."
This marks the first-ever use of the word "oscillatory" in a running-training context, but Vigil is a scholar, so he has earned the right. Here's the second use: To improve your strength, endurance and speed, be sure to do hill training on an oscillatory basis. Your running will come alive.
Monday, November 13, 2006
The Perfect Mile

Sure, there are times when you feel like hammering a speed workout, combining intensity and volume in a flurry of intervals that leave you exhausted (and I mean that in a good way). But if you do that the week of your favorite 5-K, you'll leave your race right there on the track. The latest studies indicate that the best way to prepare for a race is to reduce the volume of your running (read: cut mileage), but keep up the intensity. The Mile Breakdown does just that. It's the perfect speed workout to do on a Monday or Tuesday when you're planning to race that weekend. Challenging but short, the Mile Breakdown leaves you race-ready instead of weary.
Breaking It Down
Warmup: Run easy for 2 to 3 miles to a track. Do a few light stretches, followed by 4 x 100-meter strides at slightly faster than 5-K race pace to loosen up your legs.
The mile: Run four laps at 5-K race pace (assuming you're on a 400-meter track). Starting with a mile right off the bat may seem daunting. But keep in mind that this is the longest interval you'll run, and it's done while you're still fresh. Since your 5-K race pace is about 90 percent of your max-VO2 pace, recover from the mile with 4 to 5 minutes of easy jogging.
1200 meters: (That's three laps for the metrically challenged.) Once you've recovered from the mile, run your 1200 at the same 5-K race pace. By running the same pace for this shorter distance, it's as if the governor has given you a reprieve from the executioner. In other words, you get to stop before things get really tough. The same aerobic and anaerobic systems get worked during this interval as with the mile, but for a shorter time. Recover with 3 to 4 minutes of easy jogging.
800 meters: By now you've probably picked up on the trend. Run your 800 (or two-lapper) at the same 5-K race pace as the intervals before it. You've already run a four-lapper and a three-lapper at this pace, so your two-lapper feels like you're on cruise control. The joke is on your body, though, because the work you're doing is still close to max-VO2 pace, where the greatest physiological gains are made. Recover with 2 to 3 minutes of jogging.
400 meters: Since you've done such a good job keeping your pace steady as the distance has decreased, go ahead and open up a little on this last interval. Try to run this lap about 5 to 6 seconds faster than the laps that have preceded it. Why go faster now? This interval is so short you can run it a little harder without building up lactic acid (which could compromise your race later in the week). And from a neuromuscular standpoint, this fast finish helps stimulate more fast-twitch muscle fibers. You'll end your workout at a pace that's faster than your weekend race pace will be, so the start of your race will feel very comfortable by comparison.
Cooldown: Cap off the workout with an easy 2-mile jog.
The total volume of fast running in the Mile Breakdown is 2.5 miles, as opposed to the 3 to 4 miles of fast running recommended for a regular speedwork day. Yet the intensity of the workout is still high enough to boost your aerobic fitness and improve your speed. Here's to a personal record this weekend. a
Ed Eyestone, a two-time Olympic marathoner and men's cross-country coach at Brigham Young University, has a master's degree in exercise physiology.
Friday, November 10, 2006
ACE’s Top Ten Exercises You Can’t Live Without
Fitness experts are constantly coming up with new and innovative ways to exercise. Even so, there are some essential exercises that will always play an important part of any well-rounded workout. Here are ACE’s top 10 exercises you just can’t live without:
Squats: The squat strengthens all of the major muscles of the lower body, including the gluteals, hamstrings, quadriceps and calves. Add hand weights to increase the intensity.
Lunges: Like the squat, the lunge works all the major muscles of the lower body as well as the stabilizer muscles that are used to keep you balanced as you move into and out of the lunge position.
Push-ups: Push-ups strengthen the chest and the triceps and stabilize the core as you hold your body in a plank position. To increase the intensity of this exercise, place your feet or hands on a stability ball or platform.
Pull-ups: Performed with or without assistance, pull-ups are a great way to strengthen the muscles of the upper body, particularly the latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoids and biceps.
Shoulder press: The overhead shoulder press, which effectively targets the anterior deltoids, can be performed while sitting or standing, with either dumbbells or elastic tubing.
Triceps dips: Requiring no more equipment than a bench or the edge of a chair, triceps dips are the perfect exercise to work not only your triceps, but also your pectoralis major and anterior deltoids.
Seated Rows: The seated row, which can be done using elastic tubing, a cable and pulley or a seated row machine, is a great exercise for the upper back, including the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids, as well as the biceps.
Abdominal Exercises: Strong abdominals are key to maintaining a strong core. While there are many variations of abdominal exercises, research suggests that abdominal crunches on a stability ball may be the most effective.
Walking: Slip on a pair of comfortable shoes and head out the front door—what could be easier? Walking is a great low-impact, cardiovascular workout for people of all fitness levels. Start out slowly and gradually increase both speed and distance over time. Add hills for a greater challenge.
Running: When it comes to improving cardiovascular fitness and burning calories, running is both effective and efficient. But it can also be hard on the joints, so it’s best to ease into this activity and avoid the common mistake of doing too much too soon.
Squats: The squat strengthens all of the major muscles of the lower body, including the gluteals, hamstrings, quadriceps and calves. Add hand weights to increase the intensity.
Lunges: Like the squat, the lunge works all the major muscles of the lower body as well as the stabilizer muscles that are used to keep you balanced as you move into and out of the lunge position.
Push-ups: Push-ups strengthen the chest and the triceps and stabilize the core as you hold your body in a plank position. To increase the intensity of this exercise, place your feet or hands on a stability ball or platform.
Pull-ups: Performed with or without assistance, pull-ups are a great way to strengthen the muscles of the upper body, particularly the latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoids and biceps.
Shoulder press: The overhead shoulder press, which effectively targets the anterior deltoids, can be performed while sitting or standing, with either dumbbells or elastic tubing.
Triceps dips: Requiring no more equipment than a bench or the edge of a chair, triceps dips are the perfect exercise to work not only your triceps, but also your pectoralis major and anterior deltoids.
Seated Rows: The seated row, which can be done using elastic tubing, a cable and pulley or a seated row machine, is a great exercise for the upper back, including the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids, as well as the biceps.
Abdominal Exercises: Strong abdominals are key to maintaining a strong core. While there are many variations of abdominal exercises, research suggests that abdominal crunches on a stability ball may be the most effective.
Walking: Slip on a pair of comfortable shoes and head out the front door—what could be easier? Walking is a great low-impact, cardiovascular workout for people of all fitness levels. Start out slowly and gradually increase both speed and distance over time. Add hills for a greater challenge.
Running: When it comes to improving cardiovascular fitness and burning calories, running is both effective and efficient. But it can also be hard on the joints, so it’s best to ease into this activity and avoid the common mistake of doing too much too soon.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Running Form
After you have been running for a while, your running form will improve as you condition your body. Don't worry too much about form. One of the greatest runners of all time--Emil Zatopek--looked much worse as a runner than you will. Emil thrashed and grimaced. His head bobbed and his arms thrashed. He also won four Olympic gold medals.
Your form is largely dictated by your biomechanics: how your feet hit the ground. If you swing one arm wildly, it may be for natural reasons to balance what your legs are doing. Nevertheless, some basic statements can be made about "good" running form:
BODY: Run upright. Your back should be straight, roughly at a 90-degree angle to the ground. Ignore anybody who tells you to "lean into it," even when running uphill.
HEAD: Look straight ahead. Unless you are enjoying the scenery, your eyes should be focused straight down the road on a point moving about 10 meters in front of you. Try to run in a straight line.
ARMS: Swing your arms naturally. The angle at the elbow between your upper and lower arms should be about 90 degrees. Your hands should be loosely cupped, about belly level. Let your arms swing in rhythm with your legs. The legs should control armswing, not the other way around.
FOOTPLANT: The most natural landing is mid-foot, the ball of the foot landing first, the heel contacting the ground a fraction of a second later. The toes push off a fraction after that. Some runners land further forward, or backward, than others, based on what feels natural to them. Attempt to modify this natural gait at your own risk.
Your first steps may be awkward. After you have been running for a while, your running form will begin to improve somewhat as you condition your body. A good coach may be able to suggest some form improvements, but most runners adapt the form best suited for them without much prompting.
Form, By Hal Higdon. Taken from Runner's World.
Your form is largely dictated by your biomechanics: how your feet hit the ground. If you swing one arm wildly, it may be for natural reasons to balance what your legs are doing. Nevertheless, some basic statements can be made about "good" running form:
BODY: Run upright. Your back should be straight, roughly at a 90-degree angle to the ground. Ignore anybody who tells you to "lean into it," even when running uphill.
HEAD: Look straight ahead. Unless you are enjoying the scenery, your eyes should be focused straight down the road on a point moving about 10 meters in front of you. Try to run in a straight line.
ARMS: Swing your arms naturally. The angle at the elbow between your upper and lower arms should be about 90 degrees. Your hands should be loosely cupped, about belly level. Let your arms swing in rhythm with your legs. The legs should control armswing, not the other way around.
FOOTPLANT: The most natural landing is mid-foot, the ball of the foot landing first, the heel contacting the ground a fraction of a second later. The toes push off a fraction after that. Some runners land further forward, or backward, than others, based on what feels natural to them. Attempt to modify this natural gait at your own risk.
Your first steps may be awkward. After you have been running for a while, your running form will begin to improve somewhat as you condition your body. A good coach may be able to suggest some form improvements, but most runners adapt the form best suited for them without much prompting.
Form, By Hal Higdon. Taken from Runner's World.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
A Hero Among Us
The 2006 Hawaii Ironman began and ended on October 21, 2006. Our local hero, Harriet Anderson, represented the City of San Carlos with pride. As one of two women between the ages of 70-74, Harriet came in first in her category, again. See full race results.

How to Get in Shape in Three Weeks
Whether you're coming back from a four-week layoff or you've been running sporadically without focus, you can still get to the start - and finish - of a 5-K, 10-K, or half-marathon with this time-efficient three-week plan.
Week 1: If you're targeting a 5-K or 10-K, make sure you get in two distance runs of five to seven miles, but at your half-marathon pace. Half-marathoners should do one 10-miler at a comfortable pace. Some faster work, like intervals, is also key according to exercised physiologist Robert Fitts. One day, run a set or repeat 800s on a track, trail, or road, a little slower than race pace. Do fewer repeats than you think you can handle say, three or four 800s if you feel capable of five or six. Half-marathoners should do these one mile repeats a little faster than 10-K race pace. Another day, Fitts advises, include six to eight one-minute pick-ups at three-quarter speed during a five-miler.
Week 2: Follow the same program as week 1, but make one distance run a tempo run, says coach Tony Ruiz. Runners doing a 5-K or 10-K should do 20 to 25 minutes at about 30 seconds per mile slower than race pace.
Week 3: Atlanta-based coach Roy Benson recommends one hard workout, like four to six repeat 400s. For the 5-K, do the 400s at five to six seconds faster than race pace. For the 10-K and half-marathon, run the 400s 10 seconds faster than race pace. Do easy Runs the rest of the week.
From Runners World, June 2006.
Week 1: If you're targeting a 5-K or 10-K, make sure you get in two distance runs of five to seven miles, but at your half-marathon pace. Half-marathoners should do one 10-miler at a comfortable pace. Some faster work, like intervals, is also key according to exercised physiologist Robert Fitts. One day, run a set or repeat 800s on a track, trail, or road, a little slower than race pace. Do fewer repeats than you think you can handle say, three or four 800s if you feel capable of five or six. Half-marathoners should do these one mile repeats a little faster than 10-K race pace. Another day, Fitts advises, include six to eight one-minute pick-ups at three-quarter speed during a five-miler.
Week 2: Follow the same program as week 1, but make one distance run a tempo run, says coach Tony Ruiz. Runners doing a 5-K or 10-K should do 20 to 25 minutes at about 30 seconds per mile slower than race pace.
Week 3: Atlanta-based coach Roy Benson recommends one hard workout, like four to six repeat 400s. For the 5-K, do the 400s at five to six seconds faster than race pace. For the 10-K and half-marathon, run the 400s 10 seconds faster than race pace. Do easy Runs the rest of the week.
From Runners World, June 2006.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Founding Member Relocates to Boulder
Thursday, September 14, 2006
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